Do and don’ts of juicing ?

Juicing is a fantastic way to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, providing a convenient way to consume essential nutrients. However, like any health trend, there are right and wrong ways to go about it. In this article, we’ll explore the do and don’ts of juicing to help you avoid common mistakes and maximize the benefits of your juice.

The Benefits of Juicing According to the Do and Don’ts of Juicing

Juicing allows for the quick absorption of essential vitamins and minerals. It’s particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle to eat enough fruits and vegetables daily. Additionally, juicing is a powerful way to detoxify the body and support weight loss, especially when balanced with a healthy diet.

  • Improves nutrient absorption through juicing
  • Increases energy levels with fresh juice
  • Supports digestion and detoxification via juicing

By following the do and don’ts of juicing, you’ll get the most out of your daily juices. In this guide, we’ll explore the key principles you need to follow for healthy and effective juicing.

Essential Do’s of Juicing: Key Principles from the Do and Don’ts of Juicing

1. Do Include a Variety of Vegetables in Your Juicing Routine

One of the most important do’s of juicing is incorporating a variety of vegetables. While fruits add sweetness, it’s essential to prioritize vegetables like spinach, kale, and carrots to maximize nutrients. Following the 80-20 rule for juicing is highly recommended, which you can learn more about in this helpful post.

  • Rotate your greens to avoid nutrient imbalance in your juice
  • Use seasonal produce for optimal flavor and nutrition in your juicing
  • Start with vegetables first, then add fruit for sweetness in your juicing
2. Do Drink Your Juice Fresh for Maximum Benefits

A major part of the do’s of juicing involves drinking your juice as soon as possible after preparation. Freshly juiced produce contains more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Oxidation happens quickly, so consuming it fresh ensures you’re getting the maximum nutrients from your juicing.

  • Tip: Add a bit of lemon to prevent oxidation, as the citrus will act as a natural preservative for your juice.
3. Do Use Organic Produce for Better Juicing Results

An important do for healthy juicing is to use organic produce. Non-organic fruits and vegetables are often treated with pesticides and herbicides, which can negate the health benefits of your juice. Organic produce may be more expensive, but it ensures that your juice is free of harmful chemicals. You can explore more tips on choosing the right ingredients in this post.

  • Prioritize organic options like spinach, kale, apples, and berries that tend to have higher pesticide residues in juicing

Common Don’ts of Juicing: Mistakes to Avoid According to the Do and Don’ts of Juicing

1. Don’t Add Too Much Fruit to Your Juicing Recipes

A key don’t of juicing is overloading your juice with fruits. While they add natural sweetness, too much fruit can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. This is particularly important if you are juicing for weight loss or managing diabetes. Keep your fruit intake low and prioritize vegetables.

  • Balance your juice with greens like celery and cucumber to avoid excess sugar in your juicing
  • Avoid fruit-heavy juices to maintain steady energy levels and avoid sugar crashes

For further insights on what not to juice, refer to this guide.

2. Don’t Store Juice for Extended Periods: Keep Your Juice Fresh

Another don’t of juicing is letting your juice sit for long periods. Fresh juice should be consumed shortly after making it. Oxidation causes a rapid loss of nutrients, so drink your juice immediately or within 24 hours to reap the most benefits of juicing.

  • Store juices in airtight glass containers to preserve freshness
  • Avoid plastic containers that may leach chemicals into your juice
3. Don’t Skip Cleaning Your Juicer Thoroughly: Essential for Safe Juicing

Failing to clean your juicer immediately after use can result in bacterial build-up, which could spoil your next juice batch and even cause health issues. Keeping your juicer clean is crucial for producing safe and tasty juices.

  • Disassemble and clean your juicer after each use
  • Use warm soapy water and a brush to clean all parts

Best Practices for Juicing: Additional Do’s for Effective Juicing

1. Do Rotate Soft and Hard Ingredients in Your Juicing Process

One of the common mistakes people make in their juicing is not alternating between soft and hard ingredients. This can lead to clogged juicers and less efficient extraction. Always rotate between softer fruits like cucumbers and oranges, and harder vegetables like carrots and celery for a smoother juicing experience.

2. Do Add Lemon to Enhance Flavor and Extend Juice Freshness

Adding a squeeze of lemon not only enhances the flavor of your juice but also helps slow the oxidation process. Lemon is packed with vitamin C, an antioxidant that boosts immunity and helps to preserve the freshness of your juice.

3. Do Chew Your Juice for Better Digestion and Absorption

Although juicing removes fiber, it’s important to “chew” your juice before swallowing. Swishing the juice in your mouth before swallowing mixes it with saliva, aiding in nutrient absorption and digestion. This practice can help prevent bloating and improve overall digestive health.

  • Swish juice around for 30 seconds before swallowing
  • Digestive benefits include improved nutrient absorption
Frequently Asked Questions About the Do and Don’ts of Juicing
1. How Much Juice Should I Drink Each Day?
The recommended amount of juice varies based on individual health goals. A general rule is to consume one 8-16 oz glass per day. For detox or cleansing purposes, this amount can be increased, but it’s important to listen to your body and ensure you’re not overdoing it.
2. What Fruits and Vegetables Are Best for Juicing?
The best fruits and vegetables for juicing include leafy greens like kale, spinach, and parsley, as well as carrots, beets, apples, cucumbers, and ginger. These ingredients are high in nutrients and mix well for a balanced, flavorful juice.
  • Tip: Avoid juicing ingredients like avocados and bananas, which are too dense for effective juicing.
3. Can I Store Juice for Later Consumption?
Yes, but storing juice properly is essential. Use airtight glass containers to slow oxidation and always store juice in the refrigerator. For more tips on storing juice, check out our detailed guide on proper juice storage.
4. Can I Juice If I Have Diabetes?
Yes, but you need to be cautious about the fruit content in your juice. Stick to low-glycemic fruits like green apples, and focus on vegetables like spinach and cucumbers. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making significant dietary changes.


Juicing offers numerous health benefits, but it’s important to follow the right guidelines to make the most of it. By sticking to these do and don’ts of juicing, you can enhance the nutritional value of your juice and avoid common pitfalls. Make sure to enjoy a variety of vegetables, limit fruit intake, and drink your juice fresh for the best results.

For more detailed insights into the benefits and practices of juicing, you can refer to this Quora discussion on juicing benefits and learn more about the science behind juicing on Wikipedia.

For more juicing ideas and recipes, explore this collection of juicer recipes to find delicious combinations that suit your taste and health needs.

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